I had a client come in yesterday who is an LMT and a bodybuilder. She had some chronic shoulder and arm pain, as well as hip issues. I released the shoulder and hip tightness and then I noticed that her scalenes were like steel cables. I released those, too. Afterwards, she said she’d never felt that kind of work before on her neck and shoulder, as well as in the hip muscles. The kind of work where the muscles can accept deep detailed work without spasming or bouncing right back where they were. Bodywork where the soreness and tightness disappears.
She asked what I was doing. I said “Direct-Indirect Technique.” Simply put, DIT works! The client should feel some relief after one session. Then it’s good to get into a series of sessions to keep the good work going and enable the client to feel more comfortable in their body while doing the things they want to do.