The Direct-Indirect Technique™ class for Shoulder, Arm, Hand, Neck, Head, and TMJ is one of our most popular trainings.
I see lots clients with shoulder, arm, and hand pain every year – tight muscles and tendons, rotator cuff issues, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel symptoms, elbow soreness, thumb or digital pain, etc. We’ll learn and practice effective techniques to treat these conditions and more in this class.
The DIT neck techniques are near and dear to my heart, as my own neck has seen its share of injuries and unsuccessful treatments. I am very focused on successfully treating a variety of neck and head issues, and I’d like to pass these techniques on to you, as I have to hundreds of therapists.
The TMJ techniques come out of years of research and training to learn tools that LMTs can effectively use to help clients with TMJ symptoms, headaches, migraines, and other problems that we don’t usually associate with jaw pathologies.
DIT blends the best myo-fascial, neuro-muscular, and cranial-sacral techniques into one highly effective toolbox, which allows you to work as deep or as light as your client needs in order to feel better and to do the activities they want to do.
Stay well,
Ray of Light Training
Member of the Fascia Research Society
John J. Ray is approved by the NCBTMB as a continuing education Approved Provider.