Have You Crossed Over into Counseling Clients?

Have You Crossed Over into Counseling Clients?

Sometimes, a client will jokingly say things like, “I should pay you twice. You’re my therapist in more than one way.” I always remind them of my scope of practice and that I am not a licensed professional counselor or a psychologist. Mostly, what I do is just listen as they talk about whatever is going on in their world. Sometimes, I mirror back to them what they say; sometimes, I may ask them a question. But I never offer them advice.

However, I know from what clients have told me that some massage therapists do offer advice – lots of it. And some commiserate with the client, offering their own hardship stories in response.

It is always important to set clear boundaries with clients, so they know and understand what your scope of practice is. That’s what this article is about.