Bodyworkers Have Low Back Issues Too

Here is a video called ‘Bodyworkers Have Low Back Issues Too’. It shows how the typical work posture of a massage therapist tends to stress the quadratus lumborum and iliopsoas muscles, what we can do to help others with sore or painful back muscles, and how to help ourselves, too.

The Direct-Indirect Technique class for Upper and Lower Back, Hips, Legs, and Feet is an 18-CEU hands-on training and a favorite for many of my students. You can find out more and register on the Live Classes tab in the menu above or call me at 800-584-1562.

In this DIT class, we’ll be getting deep into the Upper-Mid Back, the Low Back and Hips, as well as the Legs, Knees, and Feet – using both deep Direct techniques and gentle Indirect techniques. We combine them in a way that works more effectively than each style by itself. Clients absolutely love it! Hundreds of therapists have built successful practices using these techniques.

There is hardly a person on the planet that doesn’t have back pain or soreness at some point in their lives. So many things that we do these days encourage poor postural patterns. Our occupations, our activities, even our furniture can lead to back problems. We tune out all the soreness for awhile, until the time comes when we can’t ignore it any more.

In the Upper Back part of the training, you’ll be using DITechniques for the rhomboids, mid & lower trapezius, erector spinae, deep rotators & multifidi, and other spinal muscles, serratus muscles, as well as the pectoral muscles which counterbalance tightness in the upper back.

You’ll also learn and practice some highly successful techniques for treating the Low Back and Hips, focusing on tight Quadratus Lumborum, the Medial Rotators (Gluteus Medius, Minimus, and TFL), the Lateral Rotators (Piriformis and the rest of the Deep 6), and the IlioPsoas muscles.

In the Leg part of the training, you’ll focus on the Quadriceps, Hamstrings, the IT Band tendon, Gastrocnemius/Soleus, Anterior & Posterior Tibialis, as well as other muscles, tendons, and fascial structures. Emphasis is placed on treating Knee problems, Plantar Fascitis, and techniques on the legs that help alleviate low back and hip problems.

Once you take this class, you will help your clients (and yourself) to feel better and last longer than before. As a result, most therapists find these techniques to be a huge boost to their business. This training is approved by the Arkansas Department of Health and the National Certification Board (NCBTMB).

Stay well,
John Ray
Member Fascia Research Society
John J. Ray is approved by the NCBTMB as a continuing education Approved Provider.