DIT for Upper back, Lower back, and Legs

We get consistent feedback from MTs saying they use the DIT techniques from our DIT for Upper back, Lower back, and Legs training in every session they do. Our mission is to provide real tools that you can use right away from day one in your practice. There are lots of CEU classes out there – some excellent, some not. These ROLMT trainings give you tools that you will actually use to help your clients and give your practice a major boost.

This training is approved by the Arkansas State Board and the National Certification Board (NCBTMB).

Direct-Indirect Technique™ (DIT) is a highly successful bodywork modality that is used in medical, therapeutic, clinic, and spa situations. DIT incorporates what I consider to be the best combination of Myofascial, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, and Cranial-Sacral techniques into one cohesive toolbox of techniques that really work.

In this DIT class, we’ll be getting deep into the Upper-Mid Back, the Low Back and Hips, as well as the Legs, Knees, and Feet – using both deep Direct techniques – and gentle Indirect techniques. We combine them in a way that works better than each style by itself. Clients absolutely love it! Hundreds of therapists have built successful practices using these techniques.

In the Upper Back part of the training, you’ll be using DITechniques for the rhomboids, mid & lower trapezius, erector spinae, deep rotators & multifidi, and other spinal muscles, serratus muscles, as well as the pectoral muscles which counterbalance tightness in the upper back.

You will also use some powerful, highly successful techniques for treating the Low Back and Hips, focusing on techniques for tight Quadratus Lumborum, Medial Rotators (Gluteus Medius, Minimus, and TFL), Lateral Rotators (Piriformis and the Deep 6), and the IlioPsoas muscles.

In the Leg part of the training, you will focus on the Quadriceps, Hamstrings, the IT Band tendon, Gastrocnemius/Soleus, Anterior & Posterior Tibialis, and more. Emphasis is on treating Knee problems, Plantar Fascitis, and techniques for the legs that actually help relieve low back problems.

Click on ‘Live Classes’ to register or call 800-584-1562.
You will help your clients feel much better than when they walked into your office. Most therapists find these techniques to be a huge boost to their business, too – more word-of-mouth referrals, more consistent clients.

Stay well,
John Ray
Member Fascia Research Society
John J. Ray is approved by the NCBTMB as a continuing education Approved Provider.