Massage Business

Gratitude, Holidays, and Hair

Gratitude, Holidays, and Hair I want to say “Thank You” to you for finding your way to continue helping other people to feel better during these unusual pandemic times. You’ve gone through a lot of hardship this year, dealing with […]

How to Protect Your Thumbs while doing Bodywork

How to Protect Your Thumbs while doing Bodywork – Let’s face it – the thumb and fingers are excellent bodyworking tools. Approximately 17,000 mechanoreceptors (receptors that respond to sensations of touch) reside in each hand, with the majority clustered in […]

Safe Practices for Bodywork – Travel – and more

Eight months into the covid pandemic, and the numbers of cases and deaths show no sign of slowing down. It can be discouraging, and many folks are weary of even tracking the virus anymore. However, I’ve discovered some unique ways […]

Office Inspection Surprise

Office Inspection Surprise I’m very grateful for my students! I’ll tell you why. On Friday, my office was inspected. Brian from the Department of Health came in, and he was friendly and professional as always. He inspected the usual things […]

Pandemication Blues – people are hurting in more ways than one

I don’t know about you, but when I ask my clients what’s going on when they come into the office, I expect to hear about their back, their neck, their knee, some physical problem. But these days when I ask that question, I often get answers like, “I’ve been kind of depressed.” I’ve heard that so many times lately. Have you?

Protect Your Clients and Yourself during Bodywork Sessions

A major league baseball star’s ribs were injured recently during an at-home massage, causing him to miss at least six weeks of his career on a division-leading baseball team. It helps to have excellent techniques that allow you to do good bodywork without hurting your clients. And without hurting yourself, too! That’s what Direct-Indirect Technique (DIT) is all about. You can work as deep or as gentle as you need to and get good results with your clients every time.